Before The Panel Pte Ltd

May the best match win.

Headhunters | Recruiters | Creative Industries
EA Licence No. 17C8734

Philosophy. Vision. Mission.

Our guide from thought to action and positive impact:

We love people. We believe nature bows in the face of nurture and positive reinforcement. 

As people and business matchmakers, we present a win-win situations for all parties - you get who you want to work for and with you, while actually wanting to work with you.

Positive forward movement, together

In recognising and nurturing potential, Attitude is key in our evaluation of people - we look for humility, honesty and industriousness as a base. This trio of qualities is the foundation on which every potential success is built upon; without it, those best-on-paper (and possibly the grapevine) will crumble and ultimately waste your hiring dollar. 

Creating a positive social impact is of pivotal importance to us - we believe that those who have stumbled, are stronger. Tears reinforce strength, just like muscles. And thank heavens for that, for we wouldn’t be where we are today if they didn't. Our hearts would still be bricks, our wallets, heavy with faustian dollars. Close the circle.
