“At the heart of it, People. Tears strengthen you just as they do muscles. FAIL does not exist in my vocabulary.”
Belinda Au Yong (Regn ID: 1653030)
A(n) (over) seasoned professional in the media business, I have lived the industry through the skins of a chapalang slave, journalist, editor, copywriter, entertainment publicist and public relations practitioner. My attention's ability to dart at alarming speed has resulted in crazy eyes for spotting talent and capitalising on existing resources for maximum results. Attention deficit made good.
Believing that life and work can and should be guided by simplicity and a complete rejection of mediocrity, my knack for selecting human (and business) matches was sharpened by first working with, then helming, many teams on creative projects and observing the powerful results when the right persons work on the right jobs. This divine mix of energy, talent and vision divides success from mere execution.
I would like to bring that to everyone I work with. Open success, win-win.